Tay's Web Diary

星期六, 10月 23, 2004

Toto -- Mai Po / 米埔

Bird found at Mai Po by Tay
Toto (Tay Photo)
What's that in the Pic? Grey Heron / 蒼鷺Info. from National Taiwan U.
PS. Shut by Cannon A80 w/ telescope. Can you see the telescope?
What's the most 'endangered' bird at Mai Po? ==> The Black-faced Spoonbill
什麼雀鳥是在米埔可見中最瀕危的? ==> 黑臉琵鷺
Info. from WWF (HK)
Unlucky, We can't find them! :( The latest once is at 1st Oct, 2004
What's the most bird I found today? ==> Common Cormorant
今天什麼雀鳥是我在米埔最常見的? ==> 鸕鶿
Know Mai Po More
Know bird more at NTU
