星期二, 1月 11, 2005
Toto & Travel France | Paris --- How great of Musee du Louvre
Toto & Travel France | Paris Musee du Louvre
Toto (Tay Photo)
在我的法國遊記中: 羅浮宮為何會那麼出名就是它的收藏品之珍貴及數量之多,其中以它們鎮館三寶:Venus de Milo / 米羅的維納斯、Winged Victory of Samothrace / 勝利女神和 Mon Lisa / 蒙娜麗莎的微笑最為珍貴 ...
Information from Wikipedia(the free encyclopedia)
Priceless art collection in Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre):
1. Venus de Milo
2. Winged Victory of Samothrace
3. Mon Lisa
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