Tay's Web Diary

星期二, 3月 22, 2005

HK Event --- Impressionism: Treasures from the National Collection of France / 法國印象派繪畫珍品展

法國印象派繪畫珍品展 / Impressionism: Treasures from the National Collection of France

5 Feb 2005 - 10 Apr 2005

Interpreting "impression" as an "impression at a glance" or "frozen in time", these artists turned their back on traditional subjects - historical events, mythology and religious themes - and instead recorded the cityscapes, daily life as well as charming scenes of nature in the post-Industrial Revolution Europe of the 19th century ...
所謂「印象」,意思是凝固短暫的瞬間,呈現「剎那的印象」。畫家放棄描繪歷史事件、神話和宗教等傳統題材,捕捉當時19世紀工業革命後歐洲的城市面貌、人們在節奏漸變急促下的日常生活以及優美的自然風光。 ...

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