Tay's Web Diary

星期二, 3月 10, 2009

Green / TayThink --- 我要食魚翅

呢段片係朋友"朱"係facebook度share出o黎, 睇完後我有好多感受! 你呢?

1. 好羞恥 =_________="
2. 嚴重影響香港旅遊業
3. 嚴重降低港人(同香港女士)係世界上既形象
4. 又一次證明俾我地o既下一代睇, "舌累"地唔係次次都有用o既~ (不過上次, 機場阿嬸果單就俾佢"舌累"到)
5. 特顯港人保維生態o既意識薄弱同智商都... (咁多魚, 點會冇魚翅!!?)

讓我地一齊反醒一下吧! 我地o既素質何在!? 唉 ...

Start from 2006 ... Free Counter

6 則留言:

Unknown 說...

有兩位朋友話應該係假o既, 我覺得都有可能, 不過, 現實發生又一D都唔奇wor~

Unknown 說...

seriously, people need to get over themselves and act their age in public. are people just over stressed? has convenience caused humans to act this way? we're doing this to ourselves.

chill out, people of Hong Kong, chill out.

Unknown 說...

如果, 純粹係adv, 咁就係一個非常好o既adv啦~ :D

Oldman 說...
Oldman 說...

If this is Adv about anti-eating-fin
The idea seen stolen from airport-woman

Unknown 說...

Yes, but is it really an adv?
um ... although i still doubt that the possibility of the woman is acting is 80% but i do think some HK ppl will do that, hahaha