星期一, 1月 31, 2005
星期四, 1月 27, 2005
Freeware -- Picasa 2
Picasa 2
A free software download from Google
Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC.
My comments:
Very Nice in Picasa 1, How about Picasa2?
A free software download from Google
Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC.
My comments:
Very Nice in Picasa 1, How about Picasa2?
星期三, 1月 26, 2005
Jetso -- Gmail Account
Hi my friends, Do you want a 1GB Email account provided by Google, Please email toMe
First come first serve!
Status of the invitation
2005/01/25 13:55pm ==> 6 quota left
2005/01/25 14:16pm ==> 5 quota left
2005/01/25 14:55pm ==> 4 quota left
2005/01/25 16:00pm ==> 3 quota left
First come first serve!
Status of the invitation
2005/01/25 13:55pm ==> 6 quota left
2005/01/25 14:16pm ==> 5 quota left
2005/01/25 14:55pm ==> 4 quota left
2005/01/25 16:00pm ==> 3 quota left
星期五, 1月 21, 2005
星期一, 1月 17, 2005
星期四, 1月 13, 2005
星期二, 1月 11, 2005
Toto -- 藍血生物!!?? 鱟 | Horseshoe crab
Toto (Tay Photo)
俗 名:馬蹄蟹鱟(Horseshose crabs)或大王蟹(King crabs)
Ref. Links:
1. 鱟是我們(台灣)的驕傲!?
2. 彰師生物系
3. Horseshoe crab
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Toto & Travel France | Paris --- How great of Musee du Louvre
Toto & Travel France | Paris Musee du Louvre
Toto (Tay Photo)
在我的法國遊記中: 羅浮宮為何會那麼出名就是它的收藏品之珍貴及數量之多,其中以它們鎮館三寶:Venus de Milo / 米羅的維納斯、Winged Victory of Samothrace / 勝利女神和 Mon Lisa / 蒙娜麗莎的微笑最為珍貴 ...
Information from Wikipedia(the free encyclopedia)
Priceless art collection in Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre):
1. Venus de Milo
2. Winged Victory of Samothrace
3. Mon Lisa
星期一, 1月 10, 2005
星期六, 1月 08, 2005
Movie -- 宫崎駿 -- ハウルの動く城 (哈魯移動城堡) HK Release Date : March
宫崎駿 -- ハウルの動く城
Top Japanese Movie 2004
It is Fun to click the calendar page (A lot of Pics)
カレンダー | calendar
Top Japanese Movie 2004
It is Fun to click the calendar page (A lot of Pics)
カレンダー | calendar
星期二, 1月 04, 2005
文章 (Atom)