Tay's Web Diary

星期日, 12月 31, 2006

TayThink --- Happy New Year~~

Hello, everyone Happy New Year and GoodBye 2006~~
Hope all of you have a Very Very Happy New Year, :D
Start from 2006 ... Free Counter

星期四, 12月 21, 2006

TayThink --- 很多"第一次"的二零零六

二零零六年, 今年獻出了我很多的"第一次", 也是非常忙碌的一年, 忙碌到有點像不能回氣的感覺, 特別是下半年的時候啊! 總覺得沒有足夠的時間給我所愛的人(包括家人, 朋友, ...)
當中經歷的極喜也經歷極悲, 也作出很多第一次的, 如
1. 獨自在外地流落一夜
2. 係人來人往的天橋上喊起來
3. 擔帶
4. 寫Blog寫到喊
5. 入戲院睇戲, 竟喊到不能自制 (戲名: Click, 命運自選台)
6. 遊海南島
7. 令女孩子哭
8. 遊澳門卻不入睹場(聲明: 我不好睹)
9. 到馬場參觀(真的參觀了幕後現場賽馬電視製作)
10.到馬場"參與"女皇盃($40 --> $720, 聲明: um ... 我不算好睹吧!)
14.去香港迪士尼主題公園 (幸會史迪仔超勁又好玩, 遲d先up相!!)
15.製作MV (很爛的, 但卻有同學及老師欣賞~)
16.突然幫同學仔手參加電影比賽: 動畫組
[Project Number: Animation-AN/0131]
(Will be shown in Hong Kong Arts Centre in April 2007)
19.排隊搵偶長簽名(唔係PopStar, 係怪獸公司司創作Mike o既動畫師)
20.寫故事 (anyone interested to read, :P)
22.寫數千字的英文文章, 關於Globalization同 Mobile Learning
24.跟Mark Amerika 製作數碼藝術
(拍下的照片[拍得不好]卻給八掛雜誌盜用[冇問過我, 重給我很大的麻煩])

27.幫朋友三做伴郎(最後重要飲到割, @_@)

28.幫朋友四(P)做Wedding ceremony 設計invitation card
29.參加朋友五(K)的在超級豪宅Club house搞 o既婚宴
31.跑全馬拉松 (不過跑唔晒! >_<)
33. 睇軟硬show
衷心感謝各位陪伴我渡過這一年~~ :D + :'(

"...一五一八年,住在安波瓦的達文西病重垂危,熬過這個艱難的冬天,四月二十三日他寫好了遺囑,... 他在遺囑中寫道:「一日充實,可以安睡;一生充實,可以無憾。」"
Quoted from Art.Network.com.tw

今年每天一躂在床上就立即睡著了, 但是應該是睡眠不足, :P
無論如何, 但願我也能做達文西所說的~一生充實,可以無憾~

Merry X'mas & Happy New Year!
Have a Great 2007 w/ your ~~~
Start from 2006 ... Free Counter

星期五, 12月 15, 2006

Fun / Info --- Upload Movie to Picasa Web Albums

Wow!! If you got a Gmail account and sign up Picasa Web Albums, then you can enjoy and share your photos and video on the Picasa Web Albums! Yes, your video in Flash Video Format! Cool~~ Enjoy it~

Moreover, another new feature is that, you can unlist (make it private) your albums that you only want to share with select people!!

And, Try it~~~
Start from 2006 ... Free Counter

星期二, 12月 12, 2006

Fun / Freeware / MM --- VLC player updated

Latest release, VLC Player (VideoLAN Player, an universal Media player) has just been updated to version 0.8.6. Cool features have been added like codec support for WMV9 and Flash Video, the coolest stuff for Mac user is it now supports the Apple Remote. Wow!!
More info or Download, Click here!

Start from 2006 ... Free Counter

星期一, 12月 11, 2006

TayThink --- Real Drifting <--> Net Drifting

Echo to my pervious Blog~

Guest Speaker --- Mark Amerika ("Time Magazine 100 Innovator"!), he believe we can enjoy the art not only at museum or gallery, we can also make use of Internet as a platform. In fact, alot of art were hook on web, like David CrawFord Stop Motion Studioes(SMS), ... etc. He also believe drifting is a kind of process for creating artpiece. It is a good way to collect source material, and I also believe lock at the room can't help to invent the new stuff, interact and insprie by others or envirnoment is the way for innovation. e.g. How Aristotle prove the earth is spherical? and how Newton found the gravity force? They all found the answer during the outdoor activity.

In this workshop, I never imagine I "drifit" on the street --- Nathan Road (one of the most busy road at Hong Kong.) for a half hour. Although, I and my classmate just spend such little time on the street, we snap about 150 pix totally within a few decade meter. It's amazing. Although, drifting provide you are kind of free, but for creating an artpeice, we should set some rules for your drifting to limit your scope, otherswise it will be too broad, right? We set 3 themes of our drifting this times,
1. Anything on the street 2. Anything on the rail (balustrade) 3. Any light Source (view the album)

After that, all groups (total 3 groups) contribute all material that we got. we pick anyone we like to create the artpiece. Another issue is raised about against about Intelligent Property (IP). Do you share our work on internet and others used it as his works with citation then they need to pay for you because of IP owner, but who should be the IP owner? The People inside the pix, or the pix taker, or the venue owner? ... It is an open end question, but at least we can think that IP is really affect the innovation that is totally different to its original intention.

Finally, we creat an digital artpiece by Flash, and the theme is about materialism. Although, the time is short and our execution part is not good enough but at least we can enjoy to creat an art not an application by convert & combine all different idea. And when you look at the stuff you snap is used by our groups is really a kind of pride, hehehe~~

Let's found some time to drift together, :D
Start from 2006 ... Free Counter

星期日, 12月 10, 2006