Tay's Web Diary

星期三, 4月 26, 2006

Sport / Fun --- Chelsea (Mascot) vs Liverpool (Gerrad)

Although, it is 2 months ago, Chelsea little Mascot play well, and he win the battle
What a naughty and cheeky Mascot! But, does Mourinho teach him!? hahaha :P
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星期二, 4月 25, 2006

Fun / Info --- 女士們, 會提你帶留o野的手袋 from DiscoveryChannel

女士們, 從今天起妳可以天天換手袋也不會"執"留o野!
如果你帶留o野, o果袋會用LED燈泡砌番個圖提醒你留o左d乜!!
Purse Won't Let You Forget Keys

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星期日, 4月 23, 2006

Toto / HK Event --- 2006 QE II Cup

Yesterday, QE II Cup @ Shatin Racecource, it is an international race.
You know I am not a gambler (bet HK$40 only), just enjoy the race and take photo. Great!
Not just racing and gambling, there is something different that you may expeced. Cute bird, beatiful flower, flight ... You can feel how fast that the hourse can run, it's exciting!! You may love hourse racing.

View full album (90 圖像 images)
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星期五, 4月 21, 2006

Toto --- 有冇公德心!?

(Toto --- Tay's Photo) 2006/04/21 08:04:14
隨地扔煙頭, 不過又扔在同一個地方(欄杆座)!?
um ... 有一半公德心!? um ... 冇一半公德心!?

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星期四, 4月 20, 2006

TayThink / Fun --- Dr Cary

<- Animation from DrCary.org

Dr Cary, An american docotor deliver lecture (Geust speaker of my master course ) to me last night. My first sight on Dr. Cary, he is a traditional American, but now I think I'm totally wrong (Sense always lead you wrong). He is a doctor, a doctor without border. He lived in India for 4 years and study Ayurveda, The ancient Hindu science of health and medicine (印度醫術, The most powerful Theray in the world are 西醫, 中醫 & 印醫) with his guru.

The tile of last night's lecture is [Balancing your life].

Here is something I want to share with you, my friends.
Love or Hate Hong Kong!?
Hong Kong is a very powerful place in the world. Why? We are totoally connected to the network that contains different souces of energy, those comes from different direction. (We are so senstive by the news, that's news may come from different location like China, our soceity, US, UK or anywhere news affect our life pattern), it drives our life become chaos, think aloof. In other words, Hong Kong is a place we difficult to LOVE or to be LOVE. (Some people love pet instead of the people besides). Most of us in HK think we are inbalance but still doing our own way to keep inbalance life.

Element and Energy of the world
In the Ayurveda, there is own 5 elements in the world. That means, anything in the world is combine with this 5 elements, they are ether (space), air (wind), fire, water, earth. One of my classmate point out that this is similar as our chinese 5 elements(木, 火, 土, 金, 水) and Tarot . All Energy in the world is a waveform. You never gain and destory the engery. Thinking about our heart pluse (electrocardiography) show in heart monitor.

Type of People

With the 5 elements of Ayurveda, people always belong to 2 type, one is Fire and other is Air. Fire means someone is firm and anger. Air means someone is soft and limp. Water is a transition (changing) state between air and fire. We will be ether when we are thinking, idea come out. When do we be in earth state? When we undergo meditation (Deattach), Deep thinking (diff. w/ ether). One person can always be earth state is Dala Lama (達賴喇嘛)

Balancing yourself

To lead you more balance you have to know who you are, love what you are, experience yourself, let other support who you are, know the turth. To keep you balance, you need to shift something from your own. Balance is an active action! You may lose it and you may get it.

To do anything, you must have intention otherswise you will easy to get lost. Acccept who you are, Experience what you are. Deal problem / creat an idea start from heart (feeling), not start from brain with different point of view. When you start at brain, you should firstly input from your different senses. However, those senses always misleading you and always inprefect. Everyone want to have a balance life but you have to shift your own stuff (Body, Mind & Spirit). Then, you can access your source, your own source.

But, I think experience what am I is not easy thing, I am pleased that you guys can tell me who am I if you have time.
I think I am a nice guy (好人) , but then what!?

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星期二, 4月 18, 2006

Info --- 2007 Hong Kong General holidays

English Version is gazetted by HKG

*4 days long holiday Include Sunday (2006/2/18)
The day preceding Lunar New Year's Day 17 Feb Saturday
The second day of the Lunar New Year 19 Feb Monday
The third day of the Lunar New Year 20 Feb Tuesday

##5 days long holiday Include Sunday (2006/4/8)
Ching Ming Festival 5 Apr Thursday
Good Friday 6 Apr Friday
The day following Good Friday 7 Apr Saturday
Easter Monday 9 Apr Monday

*四日長假連星期日 (2月18日)
農曆年初一之前一日 2月17日 星期六
農曆年初二 2月19日 星期一
農曆年初三 2月20日 星期二

##五日長假連星期日 (4月8日)
清明節 4月5日 星期四
耶穌受難節 4月6日 星期五
耶穌受難節翌日 4月7日 星期六
復活節星期一 4月9日 星期一

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星期二, 4月 04, 2006

Fun / Info --- Emoticon by Wikipedia

How to use symbol to express your current emotion.
If you use Gmail, its Chatting function will convert some emoticon to simple animation. Sure, not as great as MSN, but it is still very funny!
Have funny!
PS: I just knew "X" and "D" is called childish laugh, XD
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星期六, 4月 01, 2006

Fun --- Cantonese is difficult to learn!?

客人:"伙計, 有咩好介紹呀?!"

深圳麥當勞 ...



遊客 : [請問侏儒村係邊?] (G2000)

遊客 : [呢個管睇到雷電嗎? ]
售貨員 : [唔會, 好安全架...]
遊客 : [無雷電顯示功能嗎?!] (來電顯示)
售貨員 :[手機唔駛用避雷針的~]
遊客 :[咁我部手機可唔可以出煙先? ] (trade in)

B 遊客:"請問忍忍支係ben?另外呢度有冇死守間?〞﹝影印機、洗手間﹞

小姐:[師父,同我剪得多神似D !]
小姐:[唔係神似,係要有神似! !] (要有層次)
小姐:[我想做好似森林咁0既色! ] (深藍色 )
髮型師:[森林?? ]

骨妹 :[Sen 山, 你蝕唔蝕飯?]
骨妹 :[sen 山, 射個精嗎?] (先生, 寫個drink嗎?)
男客人:[err.......] (面都紅哂)
骨妹 :[ sen山, 要唔要做雀仔按摩呀?按完仲可以除...]

Start from 2006 ...

info / Apps --- IE can't show page (blank page) that is already download

A Stupid thing that IE does, can't show the page caused inappropriate encoding you choose! Huh... I can't imagine, can you? If the page is running UTF-8, but you choose the encoding is BIG-5, the page will not shown as blank without any error message.
Howcome!? Try to choose the correct encoding, by View > encoding > (encoding), better use FireFox
Start from 2006 ...

Info / Apps / Sec. --- Windows Defender was unable to complete the update 0x8024002b

In my experience, the problem is caused by the SUS registry key.
You should remove SUS registry (Take your own risk) by remove following key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" and run WindowsUpdate manaully, then your defender will keep up-to-date.
Ensure your WindowsUpdate is enable and scheduled to run
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