Tay's Web Diary

星期三, 6月 04, 2008

TayThink / Mobile / Info / Travel --- Tay's 8th iPhone's Note

There is a wonderful travel tool called MetrO for PPC & Palm that i used it 10 years ago, since i got my first PDA, Palm m100 (i think none know about it).

But, MetrO don't have iPhone version!! >__<"
But, lucky, it got a online version which hosting on http://imetro.nanika.net or officially recommended site Netvibes (you need to signup an account).
Searching Route how you can go to Wong Tai Sin to Tsim Sha Tsui
Empower your iPhone once again with Internet!

Moreover, there is another great travel website for ur iPhone, SchMap.

They also bundle it w/ Google Map!
City Guides, Local Search and Rotate'n Map!!

How great it is, see the pics and feel it

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