Tay's Web Diary

星期四, 2月 22, 2007

Movie / TayThink --- Documentary Films

I didn't like watching documentary film before because I think it's boring and some how like watching TV programme, delivery those message to let you fear or get bad feeling.
Image from HBO.comAfter studied part-time class, I watched a documentary film in class, named Born Intro Brothel, Academy Awards Winner (Best Documentary, 2004), that changes my mind. The scene is happened in India's red light district, a professional photographer, Zana, she taught those kids (whom mothers work as prostitude) to take picture in the district. Let the audience's know the district via camera-man's view and kids' view. Meaningful and fun, right!? Moreover, the director present the story without any fear and bad feeling for me.

Image from godgrewtiredofusToday, just got an email about another documentary film named, God Grew Tried of us. The story explores the indomitable spirit of three “Lost Boys” who from the Sudan and move to US and how they live in this NEW world. Why they felt God is tired of them. How different in different part of the same world. Watch the trail here

Now, i feel interested (certain kind) to watch documentary films, may be they let me think about it's the time for me to introspection ~

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