iPhone uses Mobile Safari for web browsing, it is powerful and fast mobile web browser, but it does NOT Support
1. Download files, like MP3
2. Viewing YouTube and Flash Media on the browser~
However, here is the solution:
1. To make Mobile Safari downloadable (Firmware 1.1.4), you need
a. AV Player
After download the file, you can play it in your Folder (Mobile Finder)
(Source: Ste Packaging: http://repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps/)
b. Safari DL (Download) Plugin
(Source: FightClub 999 http://dezign999.com/repo)
c. BossPrefs
(Source: BigBoss: http://thebigboss.org/repo.xml)
d. BossPrefs Safari DL Control
(u can download by enable DL plugin or disable the plugin and play file directly by QuickTime Plugin)
(Source: BigBoss: http://thebigboss.org/repo.xml)
e. MobileFinder
Find your download file to play it by AV Player
(Source: Ste Packaging: http://repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps/)
More info. from everything iCafe
2. No method to play the Flash media drectly in mobile Safari, but you can trigger iPhone YouTube player by a "Javascript's" BookMark, called as Bookmarklet
Yes, it is awesome and let us have more fun
and it is simple to make it works
Just bookmark this link
and remove http://joemaller.com/___?
More Info: http://joemaller.com/2008/01/12/itransmogrify/
Get More Enjoyment in ur iPhone~~ :D
Start from 2006 ...
星期五, 5月 30, 2008
星期三, 5月 28, 2008
HK Event / Art --- Art & Design Exhibition
PolyU School of Design Annual Show 2008
Opening Ceremony & Industry Sneak Peek (by invitation only): May 29, 2008
Public Exhibition: May 30 - Jun 12, 2008, 10am - 8pm daily
Venue: InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
(More info.)
The Art of CUHK 08
Public Exhibition: 31/5/2008-16/7/2008
Monday to Sunday 10am-5pm
Closed on public holidays
Venue: Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK
(More info.)
Start from 2006 ...
星期二, 5月 27, 2008
TayThink / Mobile / Info --- Tay's 6th iPhone's Note
After u understood ur iPhone can work as a server and u know how easy to install software in ur iPhone via Installer, then u can have a lot of fun and empower your iPhone!!
One of my recommend software is Dictionary (weDict) from this source:
(what's source)
After u installed weDict, u can install different dictionaries like Chinese, Japanese, French & English into it, and just type the word u want to lookup and then weDict will look it up for u from ALL dictionaries at one times!! Cooooool!!
u can download different dictionaries from http://stardict.sourceforge.net/Dictionaries_zh_TW.php
e.g. 牛津現代英漢雙解詞典, 21世紀英漢漢英雙向詞典 or 朗道英漢字典 ... etc
Pls download "Tarbal" format and unzip (extract) it till you find a file called *.dict.dz and change its filename to *.dict.gz, u may find a *.idx file at same times, it needed also.
Then extract the *.dict.gz file and u will find a *.dict file
Then copy *.dict & *.idx to the folder in ur iPhone (firmeare 1.1.4): /private/var/mobile/Library/weDict
and change the folder permission of "weDict" to 755 (what 755 means?)
To change the permission, you can change it from SFTP client at your PC / Mac, (more info)
If you want to change the permission directly at your iPhone, then u can install MobileFinder from source (Ste packaging source)
u can unzip the file by the tool: 7-zip
More info.:
It's Cool, right? You can become the coolest guy to enable ur iPhone as a "Talking Dictionary"!
If you want your iPhone become a "Talking Dictionary", can download WyabdcRealPeopleTTS.tar.bz2 from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80679&package_id=83468
unzip (extract) the *.bz2 file to the "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" on your PC / Mac
and upload the "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" folder to iPhone (firmeare 1.1.4): /private/var/mobile/Library/weDict that is about 2XXMB space need in your iPhone~
and change the folder permission to 755 also~
Wonderful!! :D
Start from 2006 ...
One of my recommend software is Dictionary (weDict) from this source:
(what's source)
After u installed weDict, u can install different dictionaries like Chinese, Japanese, French & English into it, and just type the word u want to lookup and then weDict will look it up for u from ALL dictionaries at one times!! Cooooool!!
u can download different dictionaries from http://stardict.sourceforge.net/Dictionaries_zh_TW.php
e.g. 牛津現代英漢雙解詞典, 21世紀英漢漢英雙向詞典 or 朗道英漢字典 ... etc
Pls download "Tarbal" format and unzip (extract) it till you find a file called *.dict.dz and change its filename to *.dict.gz, u may find a *.idx file at same times, it needed also.
Then extract the *.dict.gz file and u will find a *.dict file
Then copy *.dict & *.idx to the folder in ur iPhone (firmeare 1.1.4): /private/var/mobile/Library/weDict
and change the folder permission of "weDict" to 755 (what 755 means?)
To change the permission, you can change it from SFTP client at your PC / Mac, (more info)
If you want to change the permission directly at your iPhone, then u can install MobileFinder from source (Ste packaging source)
u can unzip the file by the tool: 7-zip
More info.:
It's Cool, right? You can become the coolest guy to enable ur iPhone as a "Talking Dictionary"!
If you want your iPhone become a "Talking Dictionary", can download WyabdcRealPeopleTTS.tar.bz2 from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80679&package_id=83468
unzip (extract) the *.bz2 file to the "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" on your PC / Mac
and upload the "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" folder to iPhone (firmeare 1.1.4): /private/var/mobile/Library/weDict that is about 2XXMB space need in your iPhone~
and change the folder permission to 755 also~
Wonderful!! :D
Start from 2006 ...
星期一, 5月 26, 2008
TayThink --- 買 . 上 . 癮
完成三年的晚間課程兩星期了! 同學們也貪擔心生活上會不會感到失落!?
我呢? 暫時不但沒有這個感覺, 反而感到興奮! 終有時間可補做之前想做的事了! 但可是這個興奮像過了點火吧! 自己的荷苞受罪了!
在present前, 最想做的兩件事是"訓覺"同"做運動"!
不過, Present 完的那一晚與一班戰友吃過飯後, 第一時間不是做上述的兩件事, 而是去解決自己多年的情意結 --- 買超合金!
不過, 不是近期大熱的六神合體 wiki here(還記得紅色主角機械人"基因"嗎?)而是應該是更舊的黃金戰士! 為何是情意結?
兒時, 參加了一個比賽得了冠軍 (以前我都好叻架, 雖然依家唔係! 不過都算風光過~ :P), 拿到二千蚊獎金!! 那時的二千蚊不野小啊! 也因那時家境清貧, 這些獎金大部份是用來幫補家計, 但媽媽也很疼我, 覺得無論如何也要獎勵我便帶我到玩具鋪, 讓我以限定既金錢選購玩具, 可知那時不常去玩具鋪, 對我是多興奮的事!
那時看見兩款的玩具: 一是聖斗士星矢, 二是超合金的黃金戰士! 可是最後選了聖斗士星矢! 因為那時同樣o既價錢可買兩隻聖斗士星矢中的天秤座和獅子座! (我不喜歡主角星矢的!) 而那盒超合金黃金戰士果盒又爛o左, 像二手的!
就這樣多年後一直也沒見過黃金戰士了~ 一轉眼已是廿多年了, 近幾年再次看見黃金戰士需六百多元了~ o___O" 升值得太驚人吧!
最近看見了黃金戰士的復刻版(其實出o左好耐!), 我有了解開我情意結的良方~~ :D
雖然, 解開了這個多年來的情意結, 但是, 這個購買慾的衝動就一發不可收拾!!! O___0"
想買埋"黑色"的黃金戰士, 依家重忍得著~
不過, 買o左一直想擁有的美津濃跑鞋和其跑步褲~ (我真係會努力跑步ga la)
買o左4隻忍o左好耐手的DVD~ (1隻送給同事e作farewell禮物, 減少了不少的罪惡感, :p)
買o左三隻小吉!! 但中o左兩隻"企鵝小吉"!
再次呼籲我有"企鵝小吉",有冇人同我換呀!!?? RESERVED!!!"
1. 玻璃樽裝紀念版可口可樂 (日本買$68蚊, 香港買$250蚊!)
2. 廿五週年東京迪士尼旅遊巴士裝曲奇餅 (日本買$100蚊, 香港買$198)
朋友兼戰友s俾o左個好o既提示我: "唔好買小吉啊! 佢食鐵o架! 會食o左黃金戰士o架!"
又係喎! 真係冇諗過呢個point tim~ -______-"
大家又冇好提議俾我呢? :P
好先送上黃金戰士主題曲(廣東話版)先~ 頭兩句睇過實記得! o^____^o
Start from 2006 ...
我呢? 暫時不但沒有這個感覺, 反而感到興奮! 終有時間可補做之前想做的事了! 但可是這個興奮像過了點火吧! 自己的荷苞受罪了!
在present前, 最想做的兩件事是"訓覺"同"做運動"!
不過, Present 完的那一晚與一班戰友吃過飯後, 第一時間不是做上述的兩件事, 而是去解決自己多年的情意結 --- 買超合金!
不過, 不是近期大熱的六神合體 wiki here(還記得紅色主角機械人"基因"嗎?)而是應該是更舊的黃金戰士! 為何是情意結?
兒時, 參加了一個比賽得了冠軍 (以前我都好叻架, 雖然依家唔係! 不過都算風光過~ :P), 拿到二千蚊獎金!! 那時的二千蚊不野小啊! 也因那時家境清貧, 這些獎金大部份是用來幫補家計, 但媽媽也很疼我, 覺得無論如何也要獎勵我便帶我到玩具鋪, 讓我以限定既金錢選購玩具, 可知那時不常去玩具鋪, 對我是多興奮的事!
那時看見兩款的玩具: 一是聖斗士星矢, 二是超合金的黃金戰士! 可是最後選了聖斗士星矢! 因為那時同樣o既價錢可買兩隻聖斗士星矢中的天秤座和獅子座! (我不喜歡主角星矢的!) 而那盒超合金黃金戰士果盒又爛o左, 像二手的!
就這樣多年後一直也沒見過黃金戰士了~ 一轉眼已是廿多年了, 近幾年再次看見黃金戰士需六百多元了~ o___O" 升值得太驚人吧!
最近看見了黃金戰士的復刻版(其實出o左好耐!), 我有了解開我情意結的良方~~ :D
雖然, 解開了這個多年來的情意結, 但是, 這個購買慾的衝動就一發不可收拾!!! O___0"
想買埋"黑色"的黃金戰士, 依家重忍得著~
不過, 買o左一直想擁有的美津濃跑鞋和其跑步褲~ (我真係會努力跑步ga la)
買o左4隻忍o左好耐手的DVD~ (1隻送給同事e作farewell禮物, 減少了不少的罪惡感, :p)
買o左三隻小吉!! 但中o左兩隻"企鵝小吉"!
1. 玻璃樽裝紀念版可口可樂 (日本買$68蚊, 香港買$250蚊!)
2. 廿五週年東京迪士尼旅遊巴士裝曲奇餅 (日本買$100蚊, 香港買$198)
朋友兼戰友s俾o左個好o既提示我: "唔好買小吉啊! 佢食鐵o架! 會食o左黃金戰士o架!"
又係喎! 真係冇諗過呢個point tim~ -______-"
大家又冇好提議俾我呢? :P
好先送上黃金戰士主題曲(廣東話版)先~ 頭兩句睇過實記得! o^____^o
Start from 2006 ...
星期日, 5月 25, 2008
TayThink / Mobile / Info --- Tay's 5th iPhone's Note
As i said before, iPhone is an Always On-Fly MultiMedia Device, but after we "JailBroken" your iPhone, we are already switch it as a "Mobile Server"! You can communicate your iPhone in Client/Server Mode. However, it's funny that this times your bigger-size machine(your PC or Mac) is a client and the smaller-size machine (your iPhone) is a server, :P!
You can remote access your iPhone via SSH
For Mac, you just open Mac's Terminal Program, and type ssh root@ (where is your iPhone's IP address), then key your password correctly, then you can access your iPhone.
For PC, you can use putty (download putty here) as your SSH Client, type root@ in Host Name and select Connection Type as "SSH", Port No Should be 22
You can upload file to and download file from your iPhone via SFTP (Secure FTP)
(same as FTP, it just use secure channel, encrypt the information)
For Mac, you can use CyberDuck as your SFTP Client. (download CyberDuck here)
For PC, you can use WinSCP as the client. (download WinSCP here)
if you can ssh or SFTP with your iPhone, what you can do on it?
You can download all the photos taken from iPhone to your PC or Mac
You can upload any music with any length to your iPhone as ringtone by few simple steps!
What you need?
1. iTunes ver. 7.6
2. SFTP Client can upload music to your iPhone
The steps are:
1. Select a song in your iTune
2. Right click your selected music e.g. MyChoice.mp3, and select "Convert Selection to AAC" on the menu (NOT, Create Ringtone)
3. After the file is converted, selected the converted file and Right Click it.
4. Choose "Show in Windows Explorer", the converted file MyChoice.m4a will shown in the Windows Explorer.
5. just rename the file extension from MyChoice.m4a to MyChoice.m4r
6. Then connect your iPhone via SFTP, and upload the converted and renamed file MyChoice.m4r to your iPhone
For 1.1.4, you can upload it to your iPhone under the path /Library/Ringtones
7. Then, you can see your favorite music in your iPhone Ringtones list! Cool~
Here is the YouTube's video, but you no need to limited the duration of your favorite music as your Ringtones! Goood!!!
Start from 2006 ...
You can remote access your iPhone via SSH
For Mac, you just open Mac's Terminal Program, and type ssh root@ (where is your iPhone's IP address), then key your password correctly, then you can access your iPhone.
For PC, you can use putty (download putty here) as your SSH Client, type root@ in Host Name and select Connection Type as "SSH", Port No Should be 22
You can upload file to and download file from your iPhone via SFTP (Secure FTP)
(same as FTP, it just use secure channel, encrypt the information)
For Mac, you can use CyberDuck as your SFTP Client. (download CyberDuck here)
For PC, you can use WinSCP as the client. (download WinSCP here)
if you can ssh or SFTP with your iPhone, what you can do on it?
You can download all the photos taken from iPhone to your PC or Mac
You can upload any music with any length to your iPhone as ringtone by few simple steps!
What you need?
1. iTunes ver. 7.6
2. SFTP Client can upload music to your iPhone
The steps are:
1. Select a song in your iTune
2. Right click your selected music e.g. MyChoice.mp3, and select "Convert Selection to AAC" on the menu (NOT, Create Ringtone)
3. After the file is converted, selected the converted file and Right Click it.
4. Choose "Show in Windows Explorer", the converted file MyChoice.m4a will shown in the Windows Explorer.
5. just rename the file extension from MyChoice.m4a to MyChoice.m4r
6. Then connect your iPhone via SFTP, and upload the converted and renamed file MyChoice.m4r to your iPhone
For 1.1.4, you can upload it to your iPhone under the path /Library/Ringtones
7. Then, you can see your favorite music in your iPhone Ringtones list! Cool~
Here is the YouTube's video, but you no need to limited the duration of your favorite music as your Ringtones! Goood!!!
Start from 2006 ...
TayThink / Mobile / Info --- Tay's 4th iPhone's Note
If you are Chinese, before install some cool stuff on your iPhone (firmware 1.x.x.x), you may want to enable Chinese Input on your iPhone, that it can speak Chinese! (it can read Chinese by Default)
It's simple, if you already install BSD Subsystem & installer Ver. 3 (ZiPhone default installed), just go to installer and add "iPhone.org.hk" http://www.iphone.org.hk/repository.plist as Source.
After installer refreshing the source, go to "install" and find "NativeCn ver. 3.20" under Utilities Categories, Tap it to install~
Thank you for those developers, after Installed and reboot it, then you can type (Traditional / Simplified) Chinese by different Input Method and communicate w/ your friends~~ :D
That's easy right!? :P
However, another tip is you NO NEED to install ChinSMS (as it is pretty old app for iPhone) for sending Chinese SMS, NativeCN will handle it and just send out Chinese SMS by iPhone's bundle "SMS" app, don't worry, your friend will got your Chinese SMS~
**Moreover, iPhone's firmware 2.0 will support Chinese natively and some rumor said it will release on June! So, this post will be outdated very soon! But, anyway, just want to give help to those new user using iPhone~
Enjoy your Chinese-Input Enable iPhone~ :) Yeah~~~
More info. NativeCn v3.20
Start from 2006 ...
It's simple, if you already install BSD Subsystem & installer Ver. 3 (ZiPhone default installed), just go to installer and add "iPhone.org.hk" http://www.iphone.org.hk/repository.plist as Source.
After installer refreshing the source, go to "install" and find "NativeCn ver. 3.20" under Utilities Categories, Tap it to install~
Thank you for those developers, after Installed and reboot it, then you can type (Traditional / Simplified) Chinese by different Input Method and communicate w/ your friends~~ :D
That's easy right!? :P
However, another tip is you NO NEED to install ChinSMS (as it is pretty old app for iPhone) for sending Chinese SMS, NativeCN will handle it and just send out Chinese SMS by iPhone's bundle "SMS" app, don't worry, your friend will got your Chinese SMS~
**Moreover, iPhone's firmware 2.0 will support Chinese natively and some rumor said it will release on June! So, this post will be outdated very soon! But, anyway, just want to give help to those new user using iPhone~
Enjoy your Chinese-Input Enable iPhone~ :) Yeah~~~
More info. NativeCn v3.20
Start from 2006 ...
星期六, 5月 24, 2008
TayThink / Mobile / Info --- Tay's 3rd iPhone's Note
i would said iPhone is borned to be an Always On-Fly MultiMedia Device, not just a simple smart phone, nor a simple PDA!!
U Lose Lot of FUN if Your iPhone doesn't attach on the Internet!
However, once you attach it on the Internet, you have to think about "Security"!
Therefore, i would like to discuss about the Security of "JailBroken" iPhone b4 we go to "Alternative Way Install Software in your iPhone"!
You may challenge me, What a contradiction! You "JailBroken" it & desire to Secure it!?
Ok! OK! Stop argue on this never-end matter of Security vs Fun~~
Anyway, we have to think about how to enhance security level of Default "JailBroken" iPhone. I am sure that none feel good if your info. or your photos are leak or be grabbed into the Internet and become "Next Mr. E", right?
First. Two terms you need to know,
1. "Default" = World know
2. "OpenSSH" = Remote access available to your iPhone (more info about OpenSSH)
After you "JailBroken" your iPhone by ZiPhone, OpenSSH is default installed!
That's mean once you connect your iPhone to Internet, "Every Good/Bad Boys are Welcome!" o___0
Moreover, a default password of every firmware ver. is already listed on the Internet!! o___O" (G__gle to default password)
Someone would suggest Why not just uninstall the OpenSSH! Then, none can access your iPhone!
Yes, you are right and you may do so.
But, i am afraid no iPhone owner will follow your idea, because it will lead iPhone not available to install some software alternatively via SFTP (a Secure FTP)!!
Then, what should we do?
My Suggestion:
Level 1. Disable OpenSSH when you are not using it
Level 2. Change Password (But, CAN'T WORK in straightforward way!!)
Level 1: Disable OpenSSH
You can install some utilities to enable or disable OpenSSH
1. "Ulctl" from Source Ste Packaging, simple and quick! (Check in Tay's iPhone 2nd Note)
2. "BossPrefs" from Source Big Boss, [I currently used] (Check in Tay's iPhone 2nd Note)
3. "iNetServices" from Source "iSapzio"
Level 2: Change Password (But, NEVER USE "PASSWD"!!)
CAUTION! Please pay HIGH ATENTION on following steps AND, TAKE YOUR OWN RISK! Otherwise, your iPhone will stuck in continuous Edit Home Screen Loop!!!
The ONLY way to FIX it is RESTORE YOUR iPhone! IF you not fully understand, just don't do it!! (Although, I recommend everyone should do this step!)
CAUTION AGAIN! Never Use 'PASSWD', your iPhone stuck in continuous Edit Home Screen Loop!!! What A NIGHTMARE
The ONLY way to FIX it is RESTORE YOUR iPhone!
If you have some knowledge of using Unix or Linux, whereas, you know nowadays "Red Furit" OS built on "Unix Kernel", then a straightforward way is using passwd to change your password via SSH! (Use Putty for Win or Just use Terminal for MAC, yes, that's what i thought TOO! I thought i was Smart TOO!!)
If you do so (I DID Twice!!!!), you will in a BIG BIG TROUBLE! NEED TO RESTORE YOUR iPhone (YES, I am in TROUBLE Twice!! How Smart I AM! WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!!)!!
Once Again! NEVER USE "PASSWD" to Change your iPhone's Password
Here is the Steps that Change your Password by Edit and Replace iPhone's master password file
Password File is Located at: /private/etc/master.pwd (in firmware 1.1.4)
1. I generate your new password by Mac OS X's Terminal by following command, you can use other mean
openssl passwd -crypt -salt /s 12345678
(** Where 12345678 is your new password, BUT NOT LESS THAN 6 Characters and NO MORE THAN 8 Characters)
you will get a new encrypted password /sXYZxyzXYZxy <= encrypted password
2. Bakup your Master Password File to your Computer by downloading it via SFTP [PC (WinSCP) /MAC (CyberDuck)]
3. Edit iPhone Master Password w/ new password in 2 lines
#10: root:/sXYZxyzXYZxy:0:0::0:0:System Administrator:/var/root:/bin/sh
#10: mobile:/sXYZxyzXYZxy:501:501::0:0:Mobile User:/var/mobile:/bin/sh
4. Replace (uploading) new Master Password file back to your iPhone
More info:
Anyway, hope every iPhone user "play safe" before start playing your iPhone~
Next Note will start playing iPhone!! Yeah!
Start from 2006 ...
i would said iPhone is borned to be an Always On-Fly MultiMedia Device, not just a simple smart phone, nor a simple PDA!!
U Lose Lot of FUN if Your iPhone doesn't attach on the Internet!
However, once you attach it on the Internet, you have to think about "Security"!
Therefore, i would like to discuss about the Security of "JailBroken" iPhone b4 we go to "Alternative Way Install Software in your iPhone"!
You may challenge me, What a contradiction! You "JailBroken" it & desire to Secure it!?
Ok! OK! Stop argue on this never-end matter of Security vs Fun~~
Anyway, we have to think about how to enhance security level of Default "JailBroken" iPhone. I am sure that none feel good if your info. or your photos are leak or be grabbed into the Internet and become "Next Mr. E", right?
First. Two terms you need to know,
1. "Default" = World know
2. "OpenSSH" = Remote access available to your iPhone (more info about OpenSSH)
After you "JailBroken" your iPhone by ZiPhone, OpenSSH is default installed!
That's mean once you connect your iPhone to Internet, "Every Good/Bad Boys are Welcome!" o___0
Moreover, a default password of every firmware ver. is already listed on the Internet!! o___O" (G__gle to default password)
Someone would suggest Why not just uninstall the OpenSSH! Then, none can access your iPhone!
Yes, you are right and you may do so.
But, i am afraid no iPhone owner will follow your idea, because it will lead iPhone not available to install some software alternatively via SFTP (a Secure FTP)!!
Then, what should we do?
My Suggestion:
Level 1. Disable OpenSSH when you are not using it
Level 2. Change Password (But, CAN'T WORK in straightforward way!!)
Level 1: Disable OpenSSH
You can install some utilities to enable or disable OpenSSH
1. "Ulctl" from Source Ste Packaging, simple and quick! (Check in Tay's iPhone 2nd Note)
2. "BossPrefs" from Source Big Boss, [I currently used] (Check in Tay's iPhone 2nd Note)
3. "iNetServices" from Source "iSapzio"
Level 2: Change Password (But, NEVER USE "PASSWD"!!)
CAUTION! Please pay HIGH ATENTION on following steps AND, TAKE YOUR OWN RISK! Otherwise, your iPhone will stuck in continuous Edit Home Screen Loop!!!
The ONLY way to FIX it is RESTORE YOUR iPhone! IF you not fully understand, just don't do it!! (Although, I recommend everyone should do this step!)
CAUTION AGAIN! Never Use 'PASSWD', your iPhone stuck in continuous Edit Home Screen Loop!!! What A NIGHTMARE
The ONLY way to FIX it is RESTORE YOUR iPhone!
If you have some knowledge of using Unix or Linux, whereas, you know nowadays "Red Furit" OS built on "Unix Kernel", then a straightforward way is using passwd to change your password via SSH! (Use Putty for Win or Just use Terminal for MAC, yes, that's what i thought TOO! I thought i was Smart TOO!!)
If you do so (I DID Twice!!!!), you will in a BIG BIG TROUBLE! NEED TO RESTORE YOUR iPhone (YES, I am in TROUBLE Twice!! How Smart I AM! WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!!)!!
Once Again! NEVER USE "PASSWD" to Change your iPhone's Password
Here is the Steps that Change your Password by Edit and Replace iPhone's master password file
Password File is Located at: /private/etc/master.pwd (in firmware 1.1.4)
1. I generate your new password by Mac OS X's Terminal by following command, you can use other mean
openssl passwd -crypt -salt /s 12345678
(** Where 12345678 is your new password, BUT NOT LESS THAN 6 Characters and NO MORE THAN 8 Characters)
you will get a new encrypted password /sXYZxyzXYZxy <= encrypted password
2. Bakup your Master Password File to your Computer by downloading it via SFTP [PC (WinSCP) /MAC (CyberDuck)]
3. Edit iPhone Master Password w/ new password in 2 lines
#10: root:/sXYZxyzXYZxy:0:0::0:0:System Administrator:/var/root:/bin/sh
#10: mobile:/sXYZxyzXYZxy:501:501::0:0:Mobile User:/var/mobile:/bin/sh
4. Replace (uploading) new Master Password file back to your iPhone
More info:
Anyway, hope every iPhone user "play safe" before start playing your iPhone~
Next Note will start playing iPhone!! Yeah!
Start from 2006 ...
星期四, 5月 22, 2008
Info / Mobile / News --- 3G iPhone Lanuch Date Confirmed!?
Just got a news for all 3G iPhone Wanted!
From Gizmodo:
Breaking: iPhone 3G Launch Date Confirmed
We all suspected it, but now it is confirmed: someone very, very close to the 3G iPhone launch has told me that Apple will announce their new model at the WWDC Keynote on June 9th. ...
Those current iPhone Owner want to throw your iPhone, please read this news first!
From TUAW.com
Refurb iPhones still contain previous users' data
... According to the iPhone developer Jonathan Zdziarski "all of the personal information that was sitting on [his iPhone] prior to the erase or restore is still left sitting in the unallocated blocks of the iPhone's NAND memory." ...
Start from 2006 ...
From Gizmodo:
Breaking: iPhone 3G Launch Date Confirmed
We all suspected it, but now it is confirmed: someone very, very close to the 3G iPhone launch has told me that Apple will announce their new model at the WWDC Keynote on June 9th. ...
Those current iPhone Owner want to throw your iPhone, please read this news first!
From TUAW.com
Refurb iPhones still contain previous users' data
... According to the iPhone developer Jonathan Zdziarski "all of the personal information that was sitting on [his iPhone] prior to the erase or restore is still left sitting in the unallocated blocks of the iPhone's NAND memory." ...
Start from 2006 ...
星期三, 5月 21, 2008
TayThink / Mobile / Info --- Tay's 2nd iPhone's Note
Oops~~ Forget to post some recommended source in last note, here it is
World Wide Most Famous Community Sources
1. BigBoss: http://thebigboss.org/repo.xml
2. ModMyiFone.com: http://modmyifone.com/installer.xml
3. Ste Packaging: http://repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps/ (make sure you include the last /)
HK /China /Tawain
4. WeiPHone (China): http://app.weiphone.com/installer
5. 哎.瘋.人.網(HK): http://www.iphone.org.hk/repository.plist
6. Jason (HK) http://jason-hk.com/rep.xml
7. iPhoneTW (Taiwan)http://installer.iphonetw.net
7. iClarified http://installer.iclarified.com
8. Jiggy Main Repository (Jiggy): jiggyapp.com/i
9. Twenty08 http://twenty08.com/installer (Mobile Chat Apps, IM on ur iPhone)
How to Install software by "Source"?
** Internet is must for using installer to install software in your iPhone
[img.1]: Tap "Installer"
[img.2]: After launch the "Installer", tap "Sources" (Left Bottom)
[img.3]: Tap "Edit", "Add" button & "Block" sign will show! Tap "Add" to input the Source
[img 4]: Input the source URL and Tap "OK"
[img 5]: iPhone Install List will updated, Tap your favorite Software to install
[img 6]: or Tap "All Packages" and find your favorite software under different catagories
[img 7]: Tap "SOFTWARE_NAME" you like, and Tap "Install" Button
[img 8]: Then, you can make choice: "Install" (right Now) / "Add / Remove from Queue" (Add to install queue and install it later or remove from queue) / "Clear Queue" / "Cancel"
**if you quit the installer, the Queue will be Clear!!
[img 9]: If you Tap "install", iPhone will download all packages and install it, some software need to reboot your iPhone
Wow! You did it!!
However, instead of using this easiest way (installer + Source) to install the software, sometime we need to install them manually~ Check it out fromTay's 3rd iPhone's Note=> Changing iPhone's Password Note!
Check it out from Tay's 6th iPhone's Note(wrote! :D)
Enjoy to ENPOWER your iPhone~~ Great!!
Start from 2006 ...
World Wide Most Famous Community Sources
1. BigBoss: http://thebigboss.org/repo.xml
2. ModMyiFone.com: http://modmyifone.com/installer.xml
3. Ste Packaging: http://repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps/ (make sure you include the last /)
HK /China /Tawain
4. WeiPHone (China): http://app.weiphone.com/installer
5. 哎.瘋.人.網(HK): http://www.iphone.org.hk/repository.plist
6. Jason (HK) http://jason-hk.com/rep.xml
7. iPhoneTW (Taiwan)http://installer.iphonetw.net
7. iClarified http://installer.iclarified.com
8. Jiggy Main Repository (Jiggy): jiggyapp.com/i
9. Twenty08 http://twenty08.com/installer (Mobile Chat Apps, IM on ur iPhone)
How to Install software by "Source"?
** Internet is must for using installer to install software in your iPhone
[img.1]: Tap "Installer"
[img.2]: After launch the "Installer", tap "Sources" (Left Bottom)
[img.3]: Tap "Edit", "Add" button & "Block" sign will show! Tap "Add" to input the Source
[img 4]: Input the source URL and Tap "OK"
[img 5]: iPhone Install List will updated, Tap your favorite Software to install
[img 6]: or Tap "All Packages" and find your favorite software under different catagories
[img 7]: Tap "SOFTWARE_NAME" you like, and Tap "Install" Button
[img 8]: Then, you can make choice: "Install" (right Now) / "Add / Remove from Queue" (Add to install queue and install it later or remove from queue) / "Clear Queue" / "Cancel"
**if you quit the installer, the Queue will be Clear!!
[img 9]: If you Tap "install", iPhone will download all packages and install it, some software need to reboot your iPhone
Wow! You did it!!
However, instead of using this easiest way (installer + Source) to install the software, sometime we need to install them manually~ Check it out from
Check it out from Tay's 6th iPhone's Note(wrote! :D)
Enjoy to ENPOWER your iPhone~~ Great!!
Start from 2006 ...
星期日, 5月 18, 2008
TayThink / Mobile / Info --- Tay's 1st iPhone's Note
This is the note for my reference, hope you enjoy reading it and share your opinion~
Restore iphone to 1.1.4
1. Open iTunes
2. Plug your USB Cable to your Computer (not your iPhone)
3. Hold the "Home" button (Don't Release Yet, need to hold about 10 sec)
4. Connect your iPhone with your PC by plugging the USB cable.
5. A window will prompt up and ask you to confirm to restore iPhone in recovery mode (you can realse the "home" Button
6. Click Yes to confrim the recovery (ALL Data will erased)
7. Wait iTunes to download the latest firmware and restore it automatically
8. After your iPhone reboot, it's reborn!
Set ur iPhone Free
Use Ziphone 3.0 to unlocked your iPhone
3 necessary application will installed too, there are BSD system, Installer & OpenSSH (it may be a risk of your iPhone)!
Download URL: http://download.ziphone.org/
And, a YouTube Video
To install software (application) to your iPhone, you need 2 things:
1.Network Connection
Check iphone's IP address
Setting> WiFi >Press "WLAN_NAME (SSID)" "(>)" [The blue button]
iPhone to Internet
If you have problem connecting WiFi, especially using WEP
iPhone and iPod touch: Tips when using Wi-Fi
After your iPhone is connected, use Installer to install the software.
But you need tell the iPhone's installer where to download the software, i.e. "Sources"
After you get the sources, browse what software u want to install and select and install it~
Start from 2006 ...
Restore iphone to 1.1.4
1. Open iTunes
2. Plug your USB Cable to your Computer (not your iPhone)
3. Hold the "Home" button (Don't Release Yet, need to hold about 10 sec)
4. Connect your iPhone with your PC by plugging the USB cable.
5. A window will prompt up and ask you to confirm to restore iPhone in recovery mode (you can realse the "home" Button
6. Click Yes to confrim the recovery (ALL Data will erased)
7. Wait iTunes to download the latest firmware and restore it automatically
8. After your iPhone reboot, it's reborn!
Set ur iPhone Free
Use Ziphone 3.0 to unlocked your iPhone
3 necessary application will installed too, there are BSD system, Installer & OpenSSH (it may be a risk of your iPhone)!
Download URL: http://download.ziphone.org/
And, a YouTube Video
To install software (application) to your iPhone, you need 2 things:
1.Network Connection
Check iphone's IP address
Setting> WiFi >Press "WLAN_NAME (SSID)" "(>)" [The blue button]
iPhone to Internet
If you have problem connecting WiFi, especially using WEP
iPhone and iPod touch: Tips when using Wi-Fi
After your iPhone is connected, use Installer to install the software.
But you need tell the iPhone's installer where to download the software, i.e. "Sources"
After you get the sources, browse what software u want to install and select and install it~
Start from 2006 ...
星期五, 5月 16, 2008
Fun / TayMade / Gadget Stuff / Mobile --- Mobile Blogging
First of all, i only use blogger for my blog so i dunno how MSN's MySpace or Yahoo!Blog working on this~ if you have any info. about this, Comment this blog and let everyone know~ :)
However, it is pretty simple for blogger~ Great!
The steps are follow:
1. Your mobile should be able to send out Email (so your mobile should connect to WiFi / 3G / MMS or etc.)
2. If it hooked, you send out a message (MMS / Email) with any text / photo to "go@blogger.com, it is bravo! Why?
3. After, blogger got the email, they will do follow magic things
a. Create a new blog for you
b. Any text/photo in your first message will be posted in the new blog
c. Blogger will send you back an email with the new blog's URL and a claim code.
4. Final, you can go the go.blogger.com and input the claim code and enable your new blog or enable your existing blog can be mobile blogging~
Wow~ Oh! You did it~
Please go to http://www.blogger.com/mobile-start.g, for details~ :D
**For more information, you can also text "STOP to BLOGGR" to cancel text messages.
**Photos are currently limited to 250K each
Start from 2006 ...
However, it is pretty simple for blogger~ Great!
The steps are follow:
1. Your mobile should be able to send out Email (so your mobile should connect to WiFi / 3G / MMS or etc.)
2. If it hooked, you send out a message (MMS / Email) with any text / photo to "go@blogger.com, it is bravo! Why?
3. After, blogger got the email, they will do follow magic things
a. Create a new blog for you
b. Any text/photo in your first message will be posted in the new blog
c. Blogger will send you back an email with the new blog's URL and a claim code.
4. Final, you can go the go.blogger.com and input the claim code and enable your new blog or enable your existing blog can be mobile blogging~
Wow~ Oh! You did it~
Please go to http://www.blogger.com/mobile-start.g, for details~ :D
**For more information, you can also text "STOP to BLOGGR" to cancel text messages.
**Photos are currently limited to 250K each
Start from 2006 ...
星期四, 5月 15, 2008
Fun --- Tay's Blog is mobile enabled!
This is the FIRST post by my iPhone!
Haha~ My blog is mobile enabled!
I can post instantly via my iPhone!
Actually it is pretty old in US! :P
But, now i can be a mobile blogger!
Haha!! :D
Start from 2006 ...
星期四, 5月 08, 2008
TayThink / Toto --- 新朋友
縱然要忙著完成畢業報告(整個月也是朝九晚零一/二的工作模式, 最終更通了兩晚頂算是完成了主要o既部份, 還欠月中的present就搞掂這個三年的課程了~~), 上週末也要抽了Lunch時段去看看這位新的女性朋友!!
我們不是玩line或玩msn認識! 是因為我認識她的媽媽 --- 老朋友J, 當然也不是去相睇啦! 哈哈~
她叫妹妹, 灰銀色的英短(小胖)喵喵~ 她是我生平第一隻會主動接觸我的喵喵~ 其實,在我記憶中, 我生平只與四隻喵喵有較親密的接觸(一隻當然是MyVo既中短* BallBall) :P
我一看見她把手一伸, 她就過來嗅著我, 接著把面擦著我的手掌, 還不停的哄著我! (我們最後叫她姣妹! :P)
好可愛啊! o^_____^o
今次探訪她, 全因我要送一把老遠從美國(因為香港只看見該牌子狗用的款式)訂回來的貓梳子給她(其實, 是她媽媽的生日加新居禮物, :P 好慳皮, sorly~)!
我們當然也買了一把給BallBall, 替他梳毛時, 他又時喜歡時不喜歡!? 但可能他始終是中短喵*, 所以效用不太大!
看看自己剛被妹妹擦過的手掌, 我想今次該滿好玩了~~ 因為她的一擦, 我的手滿都是毛了~
艱辛的打開了packing後, 妹妹媽媽一梳! 少見多怪的我就立刻"嘩"了一聲! 被梳下的毛子比BallBall的多好幾倍(或該是好幾十倍)!!!
她媽媽不停的替她梳著梳著, 妹妹的樣子看來滿享受! 輪到我拿著梳子時, 她已急不及待的把臉擦著梳子~
我們更把梳下的毛子製成"毛波"給她玩~ 她就追著"自己"的毛球來玩起來~ 很愛這個新的玩具~
她更留意到另一個新玩意, 我的布鞋!!!
多愉快的Lunch Break! 妹妹, 期待下次探望你見面啊!
PS: *中短喵係乜貓? 即係中國短毛喵! 即係花貓o羅!!!
哈哈! 我作o既名稱, 問你噴血未!? 哈哈!!! :D
Start from 2006 ...
我們不是玩line或玩msn認識! 是因為我認識她的媽媽 --- 老朋友J, 當然也不是去相睇啦! 哈哈~
她叫妹妹, 灰銀色的英短(小胖)喵喵~ 她是我生平第一隻會主動接觸我的喵喵~ 其實,在我記憶中, 我生平只與四隻喵喵有較親密的接觸(一隻當然是MyVo既中短* BallBall) :P
我一看見她把手一伸, 她就過來嗅著我, 接著把面擦著我的手掌, 還不停的哄著我! (我們最後叫她姣妹! :P)
好可愛啊! o^_____^o
今次探訪她, 全因我要送一把老遠從美國(因為香港只看見該牌子狗用的款式)訂回來的貓梳子給她(其實, 是她媽媽的生日加新居禮物, :P 好慳皮, sorly~)!
我們當然也買了一把給BallBall, 替他梳毛時, 他又時喜歡時不喜歡!? 但可能他始終是中短喵*, 所以效用不太大!
看看自己剛被妹妹擦過的手掌, 我想今次該滿好玩了~~ 因為她的一擦, 我的手滿都是毛了~
艱辛的打開了packing後, 妹妹媽媽一梳! 少見多怪的我就立刻"嘩"了一聲! 被梳下的毛子比BallBall的多好幾倍(或該是好幾十倍)!!!
她媽媽不停的替她梳著梳著, 妹妹的樣子看來滿享受! 輪到我拿著梳子時, 她已急不及待的把臉擦著梳子~
我們更把梳下的毛子製成"毛波"給她玩~ 她就追著"自己"的毛球來玩起來~ 很愛這個新的玩具~
她更留意到另一個新玩意, 我的布鞋!!!
多愉快的Lunch Break! 妹妹, 期待下次探望你見面啊!
PS: *中短喵係乜貓? 即係中國短毛喵! 即係花貓o羅!!!
哈哈! 我作o既名稱, 問你噴血未!? 哈哈!!! :D
Start from 2006 ...
星期三, 5月 07, 2008
Game --- Wii Sports (Extended Version)
You may play Wii Sports before, it's fun and a great "indoor" sports playing with ur pal, :D, i like "Golf" one, cause i need more skill~
But, it's limited sport type! :{
Moreover, i am upset when i play baseball one, why!? cause even I can hit "inside-the-park grand slam" (i sure didn't do it :P, extremely rare to happen in real life, in Chinese: 場內大滿貫/場內全壘打), i can't take part to run the 4 bases, just look at the screen and Wii sim. ur teammate to run the bases! >__<
Now, another sport game will launch at 13th May, it is extended ver. for sport-lover, it features 10 more different games and one is the world's most popular sport --- Soccer [My love one, :)] and some sport i think i won't try in my entire real life, like Curling and Figure skating, hahahaha~ cause i am No figure! :P + :D and i think Archery is funny game~
1. Archery
2. Badminton
3. Basketball
4. Beach volleyball
5. Curling
6. Figure skating
7. Football (soccer)
8. Kart racing
9. Snowboard Cross
1. I still didn't buy Wii, can u buy one for me? :P
2. Played Wii Sports in office yesterday, i feel pain on my arm and what does it mean? i need do more exercise!!
Start from 2006 ...
But, it's limited sport type! :{
Moreover, i am upset when i play baseball one, why!? cause even I can hit "inside-the-park grand slam" (i sure didn't do it :P, extremely rare to happen in real life, in Chinese: 場內大滿貫/場內全壘打), i can't take part to run the 4 bases, just look at the screen and Wii sim. ur teammate to run the bases! >__<
Now, another sport game will launch at 13th May, it is extended ver. for sport-lover, it features 10 more different games and one is the world's most popular sport --- Soccer [My love one, :)] and some sport i think i won't try in my entire real life, like Curling and Figure skating, hahahaha~ cause i am No figure! :P + :D and i think Archery is funny game~
1. Archery
2. Badminton
3. Basketball
4. Beach volleyball
5. Curling
6. Figure skating
7. Football (soccer)
8. Kart racing
9. Snowboard Cross
1. I still didn't buy Wii, can u buy one for me? :P
2. Played Wii Sports in office yesterday, i feel pain on my arm and what does it mean? i need do more exercise!!
Start from 2006 ...
星期二, 5月 06, 2008
News / Mobile --- When does iPhone coming!?
A year ago, know iPhone got the FCC approval, till now it still not official sold in Hong Kong~
Then, few years ago, got a rumor from Man's blog (view the rumor poster) about WotaVone ZmartDong (HK) prepared iPhone's Poster!?
It will not be Rumor anymore~
Today, WotaVone really announce to launch iPhone in 10 countries, but still Not in HK!?
Sigh! >_______< #
Start from 2006 ...
Then, few years ago, got a rumor from Man's blog (view the rumor poster) about WotaVone ZmartDong (HK) prepared iPhone's Poster!?
It will not be Rumor anymore~
Today, WotaVone really announce to launch iPhone in 10 countries, but still Not in HK!?
Sigh! >_______< #
Start from 2006 ...
星期五, 5月 02, 2008
Fun\Info --- The man who grew a finger 世間真的有黑玉斷續膏!!??
From BBCAT News, The man who grew a finger
A man who sliced his finger half-inch off, but it can grew now!!!!
What A F__king Scare~
It's due to Pig Bladder!?!?
I can't BELIEVE IT!!!
冇o左1.27厘米o既手指 但可以生番!!!!
太嚇人了!!! :{
Start from 2006 ...
From BBCAT News, The man who grew a finger
A man who sliced his finger half-inch off, but it can grew now!!!!
What A F__king Scare~
It's due to Pig Bladder!?!?
I can't BELIEVE IT!!!
冇o左1.27厘米o既手指 但可以生番!!!!
太嚇人了!!! :{
Start from 2006 ...
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